I'm overwhelmed, by good things all related to art. In the next three months, I'm involved in, I think, eight shows and several more over the next few months. The piece I shared on the last post will be used in publicity for that show with Contemporary QuiltArt. Quite an honor. This week, I delivered nine pieces for a show in Seattle in conjunction with MoNA. (http://www.museumofnwart.org/) There are three deadlines coming in the next week. And I've only submitted one. Now you know what I'll be doing for a few days.
The picture is one of the pieces for the show in Seattle. It's called "Morning Light." It is pieced and tightly quilted. The textured leaves are made by sandwiching and shaping yarns between layers of dissolvable stabilizer, and stitching to hold it all together. The stabilizer washes out and I'm left with loose fabric like pieces. I hand stitch the leaves and allow them to stand out a bit from the base and add dimension.